Sunday, February 27, 2011


Hello there!

It's been a while, but here I am, still waiting for the photos to arrive and start the photo project. We'll see how it ends.

But now, I want to write about what happened to me today. My mom decided to take all my old VHSs to the storage room. It was kind of sad. I was watching my whole childhood vanishing before my eyes. Old memories came to me: hours and hours in front of my old TV and video player learning the dialogues and songs that I still know by heart...

I'm looking at the empty space that just hours ago was full of memories, laughter, music and wonderful times. It's weird, because I'm old enough to know that all of that was far behind my back, but I still feel like a child (I know it is so, because I still live with my parents). It's scary when you know that you have grown up and have to face the world. I think I'm in shock. Maybe it's because now I'm thinking of my granny, who watched most of the films with me -along with multiple soap-operas- and she's long gone now. Damn, I hate that feeling. The feeling you have when you think all is healed and forgotten, but it shakes your entire body the second memories strike yor mind.

I don't know if all of this is making any sense. Just wanted to share this felling of emptiness I'm having right now... God, I'm delusional, don't I?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Photo project

Hello guys!

Maybe you remember that I wanted to collaborate with Stephanie Nielson on her blog, but I wasn't selected :(

Well, I decided that she had such a wonderful idea, that maybe I could do the same. I hope she doesn't mind, because in some way I feel like I'm copying her idea, but I wanted so much to do it, that I can't help but do it.

You know my sister and I live kilometres away, we spent the holidays together; first she came home and then on January 2nd we all packed our things and flew to her house where we met with our Hungarian friend. When I was there the three of us spoke about making the photo project, so we would have 3 different views of the world each day.

(This is the proof that I do can use the always awesome Paint program.)

Keep doing good guys!


Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year 2011!

Hello people!

I know I've been lazy these days, I'm sorry for that. I've been spending the holidays with my sister and her children and didn't have time to sit and write.

I think today's a good day to give you a few words at least, doesn't it?

Well, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and will spend an amazing New Year's Eve.

Have fun and be safe!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Recycle... but how?

Hello guys!

Recycling is very important, specially nowadays. Well, in countries like Germany you could find any kind of recycling container you can imagine just at your front door (ok, the bigger ones are located in a specific place, but you get the idea). In places like Spain, recycling is not an easy task. There aren't enough containers, even the one for paper and cardboard, which are things you tend to throw everyday up, is missing in some places (like, for example, my street and I think my neighbourhood too). 

But today I wanna talk about a problem I faced a couple days ago. Maybe I'm just too dumb and can't figure it out... but I wanna ask anyways: How on earth am I supposed to recycle this?

Top: made of plastic (easy to untwist, ok)
Body: made of crystal (ok)
Ball (roll-on): made of plastic (impossible to stick it out, NOT OK)

Do you feel me? Where am I supposed to throw the deodorant? Should I brake the glass to let the ball run free?

I tried hard to take that darn thing out, but I couldn't. Is it just me or is it poorly designed? Maybe I should start using a different deodorant, but I like the smell and results of this.

Let me know if you have any idea about it, please.

Wake up

This morning I woke up very early, it was still pretty dark. Then I ate my breakfast and watched some early news. But later on I felt a pink-orange light that was coming through my window. I rushed, took my camera and captured the most beautiful sunrise I've ever seen.

Try watch the sunrise while listening to the "Cherokee Morning Song"

Friday, November 26, 2010

My new addiction

Hello people!

Today I wanna post a song I recently heard in an episode of One Tree Hill. The moment I listened, I fell in love with it. I have it even on replay!


Laura Izibor - Can't be love

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I love this man!

Hello people!

First things first, I have to say that I'm a huge fan of the Harry Potter series. Not only the movies (which I like pretty much), but specially the books. I grew up reading them, getting involved with the story, loving the plots, the characters, etcetera.

So now that I'm only a few days apart from seen the first part of the seventh installment I came across this "Funny or Die" video, which cracked me up.
