Hello guys!

Recycling is very important, specially nowadays. Well, in countries like Germany you could find any kind of recycling container you can imagine just at your front door (ok, the bigger ones are located in a specific place, but you get the idea). In places like Spain, recycling is not an easy task. There aren't enough containers, even the one for paper and cardboard, which are things you tend to throw everyday up, is missing in some places (like, for example, my street and I think my neighbourhood too).
But today I wanna talk about a problem I faced a couple days ago. Maybe I'm just too dumb and can't figure it out... but I wanna ask anyways: How on earth am I supposed to recycle this?
Top: made of plastic (easy to untwist, ok)
Body: made of crystal (ok)
Ball (roll-on): made of plastic (impossible to stick it out, NOT OK)
Do you feel me? Where am I supposed to throw the deodorant? Should I brake the glass to let the ball run free?
I tried hard to take that darn thing out, but I couldn't. Is it just me or is it poorly designed? Maybe I should start using a different deodorant, but I like the smell and results of this.
Let me know if you have any idea about it, please.