Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year 2011!

Hello people!

I know I've been lazy these days, I'm sorry for that. I've been spending the holidays with my sister and her children and didn't have time to sit and write.

I think today's a good day to give you a few words at least, doesn't it?

Well, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and will spend an amazing New Year's Eve.

Have fun and be safe!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Recycle... but how?

Hello guys!

Recycling is very important, specially nowadays. Well, in countries like Germany you could find any kind of recycling container you can imagine just at your front door (ok, the bigger ones are located in a specific place, but you get the idea). In places like Spain, recycling is not an easy task. There aren't enough containers, even the one for paper and cardboard, which are things you tend to throw everyday up, is missing in some places (like, for example, my street and I think my neighbourhood too). 

But today I wanna talk about a problem I faced a couple days ago. Maybe I'm just too dumb and can't figure it out... but I wanna ask anyways: How on earth am I supposed to recycle this?

Top: made of plastic (easy to untwist, ok)
Body: made of crystal (ok)
Ball (roll-on): made of plastic (impossible to stick it out, NOT OK)

Do you feel me? Where am I supposed to throw the deodorant? Should I brake the glass to let the ball run free?

I tried hard to take that darn thing out, but I couldn't. Is it just me or is it poorly designed? Maybe I should start using a different deodorant, but I like the smell and results of this.

Let me know if you have any idea about it, please.

Wake up

This morning I woke up very early, it was still pretty dark. Then I ate my breakfast and watched some early news. But later on I felt a pink-orange light that was coming through my window. I rushed, took my camera and captured the most beautiful sunrise I've ever seen.

Try watch the sunrise while listening to the "Cherokee Morning Song"

Friday, November 26, 2010

My new addiction

Hello people!

Today I wanna post a song I recently heard in an episode of One Tree Hill. The moment I listened, I fell in love with it. I have it even on replay!


Laura Izibor - Can't be love

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I love this man!

Hello people!

First things first, I have to say that I'm a huge fan of the Harry Potter series. Not only the movies (which I like pretty much), but specially the books. I grew up reading them, getting involved with the story, loving the plots, the characters, etcetera.

So now that I'm only a few days apart from seen the first part of the seventh installment I came across this "Funny or Die" video, which cracked me up.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello people!

Well, the title of this post is pretty much self-explanatory. Today is an important day for all the american people, they gather around a table and eat with their whole families together. Normally they say why and what are they thankful for.

If I'd celebrate Thanksgiving, I would say that I'm thankful for having family and friends, whom I love and who love me back. Really, that's the most important thing in the world. And also I think about people who are and feel lonely above this blue sphere and that makes me realize that I'm lucky.

So if you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, I hope you have a peaceful and nice day.

"Have a good time today pilgrims!"

PS. If any of you celebrate something special in your country, let me know to talk about it when the day comes!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Schnappi, das kleine Krokodil

When I was just a kid, I started learning german. My entire life I've been surrounded by german words, traditions and of course, songs.

The other day I was looking for old Christmas songs I learned in german class, but I got this.

Such a cutie!

And even though you may not understand the lyrics, the kid who sang the song is so sweet, it's almost unbearable!

But I think that I had seen that croco-face before... Oh look!

Looking closer, it isn't in fact Schnappi, but a "Gomero Wall Gecko" (from the Island of La Gomera -Canary Islands- of course). It was kind enough to pose for me, he he he.

The Gomero Wall Geckos are harmless and very helpful, because they eat the bad mosquitoes (extremely helpful in the summertime).

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Le contrast des paradis

Hello there!

Today I was thinking what could I write about. And suddenly it came to me like a lightning bolt: I could show you a sneak peek of the place where I live. I don't need a lot of words, because I find it so beautiful, that you just have to watch and tell me.

So, let me take you to, like Aladdin said, a whole new world. A place I proudly call home, a paradise of contrasts.

Gran Canaria

Picture taken by Frank Mü.
"A whole new world, a dazzling place I never knew..."
Picture taken by C. Konitzer

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Blank Page Syndrome sucks!

Hello people!

Have you ever heard of the Blank Page Syndrome? I had, but never realized how devastating it can be.
Seconds, minutes and even hours spent in front of a blank page with the feeling that you want to burst in words, but couldn't find the way to let them out. It's frustrating and irritating, specially when you have just started writing a blog.

And it is worst when you finally find a topic to write about, but you're not in the mood to. My sister in these couple months sometimes said to me: "Hey, you could talk about this or that" but I ended saying: "Yeah, maybe... I just don't feel like writing".

This situation went like this: I wanna write about something - can't find a topic - someone give me ideas - not in the mood of writing - I wanna write about something - ... It was like that until today, that I just happened to realize that I should talk about this cloud that's over my head. Maybe I wasn't in the best mood, but I thought that it would be better to do it. Specially when I really wanna do a collab with Nienie -look at the bottom of the article I'm giving you the link of- (even though it doesn't imply writing skills).

So my advice for you all and myself: Stop being "negative" and find the mood to do something that keeps you moving and alive.

Have a good day!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My first cover tryout

Since this is a personal blog, I decided to upload an 'a capella' cover of one of my favourite songs to sing. Singing is also one of my passions, I've been singing since I was just a kid, but I've never received vocal training, so I've always done it for fun. I've only sung at my high school festivals. Once I tried for my country's version of American Idol, but It didn't go well, since I didn't pass the first round of auditions,  but never mind.

I recorded this small piece in one take. I thought I could make a video, but I'm very shy, I didn't want to show my face in front of anybody (sorry). Maybe that could change in a near future; we'll see.

So, for my small audience of 1 reader, here's my first and brand new cover:

Friday, September 17, 2010

Virtual travel

Today I was searching through the web and came across this amazing panoramical picture of Budapest. It's the largest photo on Earth and it's a collaboration between Microsoft, Sony and Epson. You can see Budapest in a 360º shot.

For a couple of years I've been wanting to travel there, because It's the hometown of a very good friend. This way I can make a virtual travel until I can actually be there and experience it all!

Take a look, zoom in and out, discover the beautiful Budapest and have fun!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The reason

I really don't know the reason why people start blogging. I don't know even my reason. Probably nobody will read my words and thoughts...

I simply got inspired by a bunch of bloggers out there, who may have different points of view, lives, experiences, etc. But it's fascinating just getting to know these amazing people, who come from around the world, through the small window that's my computer. Reading each one of their stories make us think about ours and it just amazes me. Completely different people, with completely different lives and minds.

Some people may tend to take advantage of our differences, but these differences make us unique and I'm glad that I live in a world where you could find people that are not just like you.

Well, I was in the mood to write and also I'm very shy, so this is a great opportunity to express myself.

Here you can find some of the people I've read and felt inspired by:
(There are more, but these are my favourites)

To finish my first post ever, let me tell you that I'll write about whatever and whenever, feel free to tell me something to talk about :)